AACR CEO Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc): Annual Meeting to deliver world-class program
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Greetings everyone!
The American Association for Cancer Research is very pleased to announce the launch of AACR News, the official digital news source of the virtual AACR Annual Meeting 2021: Discovery Science Driving Clinical Breakthroughs.
The AACR Annual Meeting is the most important cancer meeting in the world, as it brings together key stakeholders in all areas of cancer research to make connections, build collaborations, and present and explore the frontiers of cancer science and medicine. This year’s program will span the spectrum of cancer science—from population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy—and will highlight the latest developments in cancer research from leading experts from institutions all over the world.
While we do wish we could be together in person with you, we have a spectacular online program showcasing a stellar lineup of internationally acclaimed speakers and featuring five plenary sessions, three clinical trial plenary sessions, four clinical trial minisymposia, 45 major symposia, 27 advances sessions, more than 10 special sessions, and more than 3,000 ePosters featuring proffered abstracts, among the many educational and networking opportunities. We are thrilled to provide you the chance to learn from thought leaders in cancer research and hope you will take advantage of the many networking opportunities available on the virtual platform.
We have divided the Annual Meeting into two sections to maximize your learning. Week 1 takes place from April 10–15, and Week 2 from May 17–21. When the AACR Annual Meeting 2021 opens, be sure to enjoy all of the opportunities that the virtual Exhibit Hall has to offer, including AACR Central, Spotlight Theater presentations, and the chance to win prizes by playing our game, Explore!, for attendees. Please check the Annual Meeting website often for details, schedules, and updates.
I would especially like to thank the AACR Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair, Charles Swanton, MBPhD, FAACR, for leading the planning of the AACR Annual Meeting 2021. The tireless work of Dr. Swanton, AACR President Antoni Ribas, MD, PhD, FAACR, the members of our expert Program Committee, and the entire AACR staff is sincerely appreciated and ensures the success of this meeting.
We hope you enjoy this Annual Meeting Preview edition and utilize this online news source before, during, and after the virtual Annual Meeting for the latest news and summaries of key scientific sessions. We look forward to another exciting and productive AACR Annual Meeting!